Tuesday, 22 September 2020

How to Clean Diamond Earrings at Home?

 An introduction

These special earrings are meant to be stored, kept clean and be very careful, but one thing that cannot be avoided is getting them dirty. By wearing them frequently, any Jewellery becomes dirty and as a result begins to look dull. Oil from skin and ear sticks to them, making the look dull and stones dull. The dirt of the earrings is not the end of the road, however. There are different ways to give these earrings their shine and sparkle once again making them look clean again. There are many products that can be easily used at home will do.

Always Consider a Jewellery cleaning kit

Each jewel has its own special cleaning kit which contains specially prepared solutions capable of cleaning the Jewellery set with diamonds by dissolving or removing sticky agents. You might consider getting one of these kits if you mess them up frequently. It's your way of being prepared to properly clean earrings and any other Jewellery, if applicable. Before purchasing or using any Jewellery cleaning solution, be sure to read the instructions to make sure they are safe for them and perhaps more importantly if they can be dangerous on contact with the skin. These kits usually come with a set of instructions on how to use them, but they're not an absolute must.

A little precaution before you start cleaning the white gold earrings!

We do not recommend using any kind of brush when cleaning! When using any type of brush you run the risk of removing the rhodium coating that is used on the highest quality white gold jewellery and will cause scratches and lack of luster. For any type of white gold jewellery, we recommend either giving it to your jewellery (customers who have purchased an item from our store that shows a certificate of purchase may come for free professional cleaning) or use a cloth friction, so please try to avoid using a brush of any kind when cleaning your white gold diamond earrings.

A little precaution on the correct fabrics to use to clean the diamond earrings!

Diamond earrings will often have a lot of diamonds set in the gold, as a small minority are solitaire earrings. The many diamonds that are set in the gold of the earrings will often catch many pieces of the fabric you use to clean them, causing a very unpleasant effect (thin strings sticking out). This is actually a very common occurrence and for this reason we recommend using fabrics that do not tear easily. The medium rag, for example, will leave pieces of string in the cleaning process. Try to use a fabric that is not made of many thin chains, but thicker.

How to Clean A Diamond Earrings with Ordinary Household Items at Home?

As a rule of thumb, if you have a safe solution, pour an amount of the solution into a bowl and soak them for a few hours, preferably overnight. Take them out and rinse with (hot) water then dry with a cloth.

Besides having a safe solution to clean jewellery with, it's imperative that you have the right cloth and brush to clean your earrings properly. A stiff brush can damage your earrings, so the brush to be used should have soft bristles and the fabric should be able to gently clean them. In this case, a toothbrush will do. Not a wire brush or one with hard bristles but something near a child's toothbrush or brushes designed specifically for cleaning jewellery. Worn (but clean) toothbrushes are another great option, as the bristles don't have much strength left. If you want to dry them, use a microfiber cloth, as it is soft and can gently clean diamond earrings. Some models have very fragile configurations. If your diamond earring is one of them, don't worry about the brush.

Get a flat surface like a table, so that you can have room to place a bowl and a napkin. Also get a mug or small bowl you can keep them in. Make sure you create enough space to accommodate your cleaning equipment. Depending on the toxicity of your cleaning solution, rubber gloves may be useful. There are other methods to clean them apart from using a solution. Some home cleaning methods are described below;

1. How to Clean Diamond Earrings Using Dish Soap?

This method is our favorite suggestion for how to clean diamond earrings if a jewellery cleaning kit is not available at home and might be the best method you can use at home to bring out the jewellery. shine of your diamonds. Regular dish soap can work very well in place of specialized jewellery cleaning tools. Dishwashing liquid contains chemicals that are helpful in removing excess oils and fats from kitchen utensils. This same dirt found on kitchen utensils can also be found on them so why not apply that to your fashion accessory too. Dish soap can easily remove dirt and oils from diamond earrings. To clean them with regular dish soap, take a mild dish soap (about a teaspoonful) that does not contain perfume or dye, so that it does not damage them. Mix the dish soap with slightly warm water and stir until bubbles form. Then, soak your earrings in the solution for about five minutes to remove any traces of oil or dirt. Brush them gently and then let them soak for another two minutes. Remove them and rinse with clean water. soak your earrings in the solution for about five minutes to remove any traces of oil or dirt. Brush them gently and then let them soak for another two minutes. Remove them and rinse with clean water. soak your earrings in the solution for about five minutes to remove any traces of oil or dirt. Brush them gently and then let them soak for another two minutes. Remove them and rinse with clean water.

2. How to Clean Dimaond Earrings Using Windex?

Windex is another option when it comes to cleaning diamond earrings at home. Just spray Windex on a brush or toothbrush and then gently brush the earrings. Then clean them with water and wipe with a soft cloth as gently as possible. While cleaning, you should try to focus better on cleaning the inner parts of your earring than the outer areas; This is because soaps, lotions, and other debris tend to collect more on these hidden areas than on the outer strip.

3. How to Use Ammonia to Clean a Diamond?

Ammonia is one of the most common ways to have your jewellery cleaned at home. How to clean diamond earrings with ammonia? To clean diamond earrings using ammonia, mix the ammonia with plenty of water. DO NOT use hot water! Soak them in the solution for twenty minutes. Be sure to wear rubber gloves for this activity. Then put the earrings soaked in hot water and add dish soap (one teaspoon). Use a soft brush to scrub them, then rinse with lukewarm water. For those who have ammonia allergies, you can use Lestoil instead. Lestoil works the same as ammonia and with a little soaking and cleaning with a soft toothbrush, you can remove excess dirt in no time. It is ideal for people allergic to ammonia.

4. How to Clean Diamond Earrings Using Club Soda?    

Club soda is very effective in making diamonds and other gems shine for longer if soaked for several hours. Put the diamond earrings in a cup of soda and let soak overnight, which should leave them shiny and sparkling. An alternative is the use of a prosthesis tablet which can be poured into a cup of water to form a solution. Then you put the earring in the solution for a few minutes and then rinse the jewellery.

5. How Neat Clean Diamond Earrings Using vodka:

You can also make use of vodka in cleaning diamond earrings from the comfort of your own home. Drop your earrings into vodka in a glass and soak for about two minutes. Remove them and rinse with lukewarm water. Dry them and polish them with a cloth that does not contain lint. In general, any clear liquid containing a high volume of alcohol is a good way to remove stains of all kinds.

6. Using toothpaste to Clean Diamond Earrings:

Toothpaste is another item found in your home that you can use to clean your earrings. Apply some toothpaste to a soft toothbrush and lightly clean them, the residue can be wiped off with a damp cloth. It is not only effective but also inexpensive.

7. Consider visiting a jewellery:

Most jewellery will professionally clean any jewellery you bring to them. According to the jewellery, the prices will be very low! If you come to our Jewellery store for example, we can clean your earrings in 1 hour at the highest level of expertise, making them shine like new, If all options fail & if your'e staying in Jaipur then you can consider visiting Shree G.K. Chudiwalas who is one of the best Premium Diamond and Gold Jewellery Manufacturer and Wholesaler of Jaipur for prices regarding cleaning diamond earrings or any other type of jewellery.

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