Thursday, 31 March 2022

Boost your IQ with these 7 techniques

Do you want to do better on the IQ test? Video games and sports are on our weekly schedule for your IQ training. Plus: 7 simple tasks that will make you smarter in 7 days

Are you in top physical shape, but you've forgotten again what your colleague said to you this morning? Then it's time for effective IQ training. Neuropsychological studies have proven that intelligence, as measured by the IQ test, is not determined solely by genes. "Targeted training gives you more IQ points," says Johannes Hoppe, a psychologist from the MinD association for gifted students in Planegg.

IQ training for Monday: Running for better concentration

Get a Better IQ According to a Swedish Study, "increased cardiovascular fitness was associated with better cognitive performance." Pure muscle training, on the other hand, hardly achieves anything. Jogging or swimming increases cerebral circulation, which means that the gray cells receive more oxygen. This in turn guarantees that these work better and that you are focused longer. So skip the weights today and go for a 20-minute jog before work. Your brain will thank you all week, especially if you repeat it. You gain a whopping 5 IQ points.

More knowledge: Your brain can only absorb stimuli to a limited extent
Train yourself smart with brain jogging

IQ training for Tuesday: Playfully to higher attention

Get out your smartphone. After concentrating, we now train your logical thinking and your so-called working memory, the working memory of your brain. This is important because the brain can only absorb stimuli to a limited extent. Anyone who has weak attention or even suffers from an attention disorder (e.g. ADHD) can only insufficiently decide whether a piece of information is important or unimportant for a task. The endurance test "Dual N-Back" processes 2 different stimuli, such as visual and acoustic stimuli, at increasing levels of difficulty. In this way, you can increase your attention and positively influence your productivity. It is based on the work of Susanne Jaeggi at the University of Michigan.

IQ training for Wednesday: More brainpower with supplements

Today there are supplements for the brain. 5 grams of creatine a day should boost your IQ by up to 15 points over a period of 6 weeks, according to an Australian study that conducted memory tests on volunteers. "Creatine boosted brain performance significantly," says study leader Caroline Rae of the University of SydneyThe reason: Thinking costs energy and creatine apparently helps to maintain energy levels in the brain. Consequence: You do better on a quiz or intelligence test.

>>> Which supplements are really useful?

IQ training: Sport makes you smart
Iconic Bestiary /
IQ training: Sport makes you smart

IQ training for Thursday: Music makes your brain grow 

Buy bongo drums or a guitar. Start playing a musical instrument! A study by the neuropsychologist Lutz Jancke at the University of Zurich states that many brain regions are activated and networked not only by hearing but above all by practicing music. If you master an instrument, train your IQ at the same time. In fact, professional musicians have higher gray matter densities than non-musicians, researchers at Harvard University foundThe reason is the interaction of auditory and motor areas in the brain and the constant repetition of processes. The two hemispheres of the brain network while playing and stabilize after a few months. The connection between the region in the forebrain responsible for planning activities and the auditory region increases. To put it bluntly, the gray cells responsible for memory, speech, and attention grow as a result. Music also reduces stress. So, play yourself smart and free. 

IQ Training for Friday: Reading for Emotional Intelligence

Encourage your general education and read the newspaper for an hour a day. In between, you should definitely grab a book. Browsing improves emotional intelligence. Psychologists at the new school for social research in New York have found that readers of fiction are better able to empathize with people's emotional states than readers of non-fiction. Because characters in novels are always unfinished, readers automatically think inside them and try to fill in the gaps, the study found.

The best games of the year
Olena Yakobchuk /
With video games you can increase your IQ

IQ training for Saturday: With first-person shooters to more visual-spatial intelligence

It's Saturday, time to improve your spatial thinking: play Call of DutyA study by the University of Rochester in the USA recently confirmed that first-person action games improve visual-spatial intelligence in test subjects. They could also concentrate better and process more visual impressions than non-gamers or those playing strategy games like Restaurant EmpireIn an IQ test, the quick processing of visual impressions is essential. With Games, you can increase your IQ by 2 points

IQ training for Sunday: board games for more adaptability

In fact, parlor games such as Scrabble help to increase brain power because they make the brain adaptable to changing game rules and situations. Activities that simultaneously train different abilities plus social skills also increase your IQ ( about 1 point ), claims Maria Leitner, a psychologist at the British network for the gifted MENSA. Sunday is the ideal day to play a game of Scrabble with some friends. Of course, the whole thing also works via the app, preferably via a network connection against a buddy.

The IQ can be trained – with brain jogging. Our 7-day IQ training makes you challenge certain brain areas to increase your neural performance in order to gain IQ points. Let's go: Train yourself smart!

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Boost your IQ with these 7 techniques

Do you want to do better on the IQ test?  Video games and sports are on our weekly schedule for your IQ training.  Plus: 7 simple tasks that...